Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meal Idea

This is more of just a meal idea than a recipe.  An encouragement to you all that you don't have to use a recipe for everything you do.

For this "dinner", it was just the boys, my grandmother who was visiting, and me.  I wasn't in the mood to make what I had planned, so I just rummaged through the fridge and came out with a few ingredients.  Add some wine, salt, and herbs de provence, and we were set.  This would have been fabulous over rice, but we were content as is.  We had some hearty bread on the side and some left over soup.  It was just what I needed and I had no food go to waste!

Obviously, feel free to use what ever you have on hand.  This is just to give you all an idea more than anything.

Simple Saute Meal
Serves 2-3
  • 1 red onion, sliced thin
  • 1 medium zucchini, sliced thin
  • 1 1/5 c carrots, sliced thin
  • 1 pkg mushrooms, cut/chopped
  • olive oil for the saute
  • 1 T dry sherry or white wine
  • 1-2 t herbs de provence
  • brown rice (optional, but ideal for a meal)
-- Heat oil in a large skillet.  Add the veggies and saute until all soft. About 15 minutes.
-- Add the wine and herbs and continue to saute another 2-3 minutes.  Salt to taste.

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