Friday, August 10, 2012

Milk and a WINNER

Thank you to everyone who played the giveaway game with me!  It was fun for me to see the answers you all gave, and the most common answer was: MILK!  In different forms, of course, but milk it was!

It does a body good.

Soap also does a body good!  And the lucky (random) winner of the little giveaway is Sarah Darr, who happened to have a lot of quinoa in her fridge when she commented.  Good for you!

On a personal note, thank you all for being considerate of my break-time from the blog.  I think things should be returning to regular here pretty soon.  It's starting to cool off a little and I got almost giddy as I turned my stove on last night for the first time in weeks to saute some onions, garlic and farmer's market fresh squash and zucchini.  Ahhh...the house smelled so good and the windows were open.  It was wonderful. 

Life, which has been extremely busy up until now, is much slower as of last night, too.

All that to say - I think some recipes that have been so tempting to make will actually be attempted here fairly soon!

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